If you are planning the perfect Christmas meal for your family, friends and loved ones, you need the most delicious sweet ending to make it even more memorable. For those who enjoy a bit of tradition, here are some scrumptious traditional Christmas sweets that your guests will love.

Christmas cake

There is nothing more traditional than a Christmas cake on the table at the end of your festive feast. Christmas cakes are usually fruit cakes and they are often made several weeks, or even months, before the holidays. They are made with alcohol like brandy and they are regularly basted with brandy to keep the moist and fresh as the holidays approach.

Mince pies

Another traditional fruity delight, mince pies are great because they are perfectly sweet and the portions are just right. You can simply grab one of these Christmas sweets and you don’t have to worry about cutting the right size portion.


There are a number of variations when it comes to trifle recipes. For the most part, they are known to include vanilla sponge cake, fresh fruit (like strawberries and bananas), vanilla custard, whipped cream and glazed cherries on top. You can also add various types of nuts. The recipe is flexible which means that you can add or exclude ingredients based on your personal preferences or allergies.


Shortbread biscuits are addictive! You can never have only one and you can’t help but keep nibbling until they are done or at least almost finished. All the more reason to make sure that you get baking early for the holidays! You can leave your shortbread biscuits plain or you can have a bit of fun and cut them into festive shapes to make the perfect Christmas sweets for the whole family!

Spiced Victoria sponge cake

You can’t think about Christmas sweets without adding this scrumptious cake to the list. An excellent addition to your dessert table, the best part of all is that it is not excessively sweet. It is, however, wonderfully aromatic and rich in flavour.

Now that you have several great ideas for Christmas sweets this year, it’s time to get prepared with all of those supplies! You may not want to buy all of the ingredients just yet, but you should have your cookie cutters, dishes, serving bowls and other essentials handy.